Sunday Mornings at Target

Kate Englebrecht
5 min readJun 27, 2023

Ok…. I have to share this story with you all, it’s a bit lengthy, but it’s good.

On Sunday morning I had to go to Target. I’m a home organizer and we were doing an unpacking job for a client and she needed organizing bins.

I quickly bought the bins and I had so many that my cart looked like the tower of Pisa.

I was walking very cautiously from the store to the parking lot, making sure not to go too fast, because if I were to hit a bump, all the bins would go crashing down to the ground.

So I approached my truck as cautious as a cat walking along the top of a fence post. I put one set of bins on the passenger side seat and some behind.

Now keep in mind, it’s a Sunday morning, it’s 9 AM, and it’s pretty quiet.

I gently guide the cart to the back of my truck and I park it parallel with the back bumper. I make sure it’s secure so that it won’t go rolling down the parking lot with my bins.

I leave the cart as I take a group of bins to put them behind the driver seat. As I’m doing so, a car lays on its horn as loud as it can, and in my mind, I think holy shit I’m gonna have a heart attack, and then I think oh it must’ve been an accident. Then I look up and I see my cart with my bins had gone rogue and rolled into the side of someone’s parked car. It had decided to move itself, and roll into the side fender of someone’s brand new pearly, white car.

I realized the horn honking was his reaction out of anger and I’m guessing out of fear because it probably startled him.

I was in disbelief and in my mind I said YOU HAVE TO BE EFFING KIDDING ME!!!! HOW MORE CAUTIOUS COULD I HAVE BEEN??!?!

I walked over to his car. Thankfully the cart did not dent or damage it. He didn’t utter a word, but his face was bright red.

I closely examined it and said to him that I didn’t see any damage except a little bit of red plastic from the cart that made a tiny light pink dotted smudge (on his brand new pearly white car) and you could barely see it, and he hadn’t even seen it until I pointed it out.

I kept saying over and over I’m so sorry I’m so sorry, I didn’t think that would happen. When I asked him if he saw what happened, he just shook his head “no”, still saying nothing. Finally, I said if you use some GooGone, it will get the little mark off. I asked him if he knew what GooGone was and he shook his head “yes” and then he got back in his car and left.

He never spoke a word.

I went back to my truck to finish loading the bins and at 9:15 AM I felt like the day was lost. I was so angry and upset and in tears. Yes, I know, it seems like no big deal, but when a car honks that loudly and startles you and when you’ve taken all the precautions to do everything right it can ruin your day.

Then as I was loading in the last two bins they pinched the inside of my bicep adding insult to injury.

So much for a sweet and serene Sunday morning.

Here’s where my story gets better.

My insides are rattled, and as I’m driving, all the bins in the back seat are acting like popcorn kernels in a hot pan and they are bouncing every which way making really loud noises, rattling my insides even more.

I scream, and cry even more. A little PMS probably amped up my reaction. Whatever.

I pull into Starbucks drive through thinking there’s no way I can make it through the day without a ton of caffeine and sugar.

As I’m giving my order to the Starbucks cashier, you can hear the trill in my voice as I’m trying to hold back tears and keep from crying.

As I’m sitting in line, I have an epiphany.

I’ll do a good deed and pay for the car behind me with my order and wipe the slate clean. I won’t let the target car incident ruin my loving serene Sunday by turning my woe-is-me-moment into a superhero-self-saving-saturated-love-bath.

And it worked.

It was as if it never happened. From the ordering of my coffee at the ordering speaker, to pulling up to the cashier window, it had been rectified. That and the dopamine from the caffeine and sugar made it all better.

As I’m sitting at the stop light to turn left onto Hampden Ave., the sweet couple that had received their coffee for free yelled out their car window to me, THANK YOU. Their little Honda zoomed by as they waved their hands to me.

It was then that I realized that doing a good deed is the recipe for a broken heart or a bad day.

If I had been outwardly angry towards the man for honking and overreacting he surely would have spoken some angry words back to me. But it was my profuse apologizing, calm demeanor, and quick solution with the Goo Gone that diffused the situation. I’m pretty sure he was excited to have learned about that little tip and will use it from now on.

If I had not paid for the couples coffee, my woe-is-me-moment would have spread to my team and client at the unpacking job.

That’s it.

That’s my story.

Good deeds abound from all of Kate’s mishaps and mistakes.

I’m taking orders, so if you need a good deed done for you, let me know!

I didn’t take a photo from my Target and Starbucks adventure but I decided to add this cute photo that I saw on Instagram. He represents my good deed attitude.


